


It's Hot! Week Thirty in the New Abnormal

It's Hot! Week Thirty in the New Abnormal
Jul 23, 2022 by Janet Zinn
Heat waves are oppressive.  I’m walking slowly, drinking more water, and commiserating with everyone else who is melting in this humid weather.  I have always preferred hot temperatures to cold, but sometimes it’s just too hot.  As a child I’d ride my Schwinn to the Haddontowne Swim Club and cool down swimming and playing in the chlorinated water.  Today, I can ride my bike, but I’m going to opt for the indoor version in my air-conditioned apartment, going nowhere, and enjoying the solitude.   

Peaches, Yum! Week Twenty Nine in the New Abnormal

Peaches, Yum! Week Twenty Nine in the New Abnormal
Jul 16, 2022 by Janet Zinn

It’s 1967, it’s hot.  It’s a July weekend so I’m not at Hilltop Day Camp.  The sprinkler is on, back and forth from one side of the lawn to the other.  I have mixed feelings about sprinklers.  I love the constant whir of water from the circular type, but I don’t get a break.  It’s more of a free for all than a game.  With the alternating side sprinkler, I can time it to race through when it comes my way, while taking a breath when it switches sides.  In the end, that’s my preference.  Get soaked, get hot, and start all over again.  

Reactivity, Week Twenty-Six in the New Abnormal

Reactivity, Week Twenty-Six in the New Abnormal
Jun 25, 2022 by Janet Zinn

Honestly, the news this week has not been good given my values.  A lot of powerful women have been sharing opinions.  Yes, I concur, but I have found that it’s been challenging to be my best self in the face of these upsetting decisions.   I’ve not been able to separate my reactions from the deeply disturbing news.  In this moment the political is personal.  

Dashed Plans, Week Twenty-Five in the New Abnormal

Dashed Plans, Week Twenty-Five in the New Abnormal
Jun 19, 2022 by Janet Zinn
Our best intentions don’t always go according to plan.  I had all weekend to work on a project.  I planned on spending this weekend, as I have in the past, writing and rewriting to meet a deadline.  Lucy, who is my constant companion loves the cooler air and asked to be taken on walks more than usual. Once we were outside she was happy to let the breeze mess up her hair as she sat on the sidewalk.  

Ah, Spring, Week Twenty-Three in the New Abnormal

Ah, Spring, Week Twenty-Three in the New Abnormal
Jun 05, 2022 by Janet Zinn

It feels absolutely freeing to wear lighter clothing.  Spring is here and I’m thrilled.  Even if the mornings or evenings require a light jacket, putting away the wool is such a relief.  In theory, I love the changing seasons.  Each season bringing a mood, a swath of colors, or, as in winter, shades of white and grey.  But, in practice I prefer the warmer months.  If only I could transplant New York City to a more temperate climate.  Alas, such are the compromises I’ve made to be a New Yorker.  

Goodbye Galapagos, Week Twenty One in the New Abnormal

Goodbye Galapagos, Week Twenty One in the New Abnormal
May 22, 2022 by Janet Zinn

I’m sitting at the Quito airport in the wee hours of the morning.  This past week I had about one hour total of internet.  It was divine.  I thought I had overcome my reliance on electronics, but I have been habituated.  And, as much as I enjoyed the downtime, I also am happy to be on my way home to enjoy the benefits, while cursing the downside of being “connected.”  

A Trip to the Equator, Week 20 in the New Abnormal

A Trip to the Equator, Week 20 in the New Abnormal
May 14, 2022 by Janet Zinn

No one could have prepared me for the beauty of Ecuador.  Wherever I turn the vista is extraordinary.  The pictures barely capture the awe that we’re experiencing.  Going on vacation is the refresh I so needed.  


Just a Little Bit, Week Eighteen in the New Abnormal

Just a Little Bit, Week Eighteen in the New Abnormal
Apr 30, 2022 by Janet Zinn

I would much rather have a small sample of something I really like than to substitute it for an alternative.  If ordering a dessert when I go out, though I rarely go out presently, I prefer to order a dessert I want than to order the fruit salad or an equivalent.  I can enjoy one or two spoonfuls, savoring the texture and flavors.  Just a little bit goes a long way.  It’s not just desserts I prefer in small doses.  

On Repeat, Week Sixteen in the New Abnormal

On Repeat, Week Sixteen in the New Abnormal
Apr 17, 2022 by Janet Zinn
Life isn’t linear.  I had always hoped I’d solve what I considered to be my problems, and then live a quality life.  The truth is that we revisit issues time and time again.  Even when we think we’ve beat it, it will show up unexpectedly.  Perhaps it’s why the movie Groundhog’s Day resonates for so many of us.  

Rest for the Weary, Week Fifteen in the New Abnormal

Rest for the Weary, Week Fifteen in the New Abnormal
Apr 10, 2022 by Janet Zinn

In my mind this weekend was filled with activity.  I was going on long walks, I was starting to prepare for Passover, reading as research, writing, walking Lucy, finding items to give away, cooking for the week, and everything else that involves time and effort when not at work.  I forget what is required to get so much done, especially when a nap is in order.  

What We Don't Know, Week Fourteen in the New Abnormal

What We Don't Know, Week Fourteen in the New Abnormal
Apr 03, 2022 by Janet Zinn

Welcome Spring, Week Twelve in the New Abnormal

Welcome Spring, Week Twelve in the New Abnormal
Mar 20, 2022 by Janet Zinn

Hello Spring, you couldn’t come soon enough.  We’ve all needed to lighten our loads. And what better way to start than by taking off our parkas?   Like the shining moon hidden under the clouds, you’ve come from behind the cold for renewed hope.  

CIty Gallery, Week Nine in the Time of Coronavirus

CIty Gallery, Week Nine in the Time of Coronavirus
Feb 27, 2022 by Janet Zinn

We went for a lovely birthday celebration of a new friend.  To get there we took the subway.  It’s been quite a while since I last went on the underground train.  The most recently expanded line, The Q Train, has an artist featured on each of the newest stops.  We got a good look at a few by Chuck Close done with tiles as portrait mosaics.  


The Wrong Way I Meditate, Week Six in the New Abnormal

The Wrong Way I Meditate, Week Six in the New Abnormal
Feb 06, 2022 by Janet Zinn

I felt so fortunate that I had a meditation practice prior to the pandemic.  I chose to double up my meditations to give myself devoted time each morning before I started my day.  And, when needed again at night, or anytime I had to find my way back to myself. 

Omicron in the Time of Coronavirus, Week Five in the New Abnormal

Omicron in the Time of Coronavirus, Week Five in the New Abnormal
Jan 30, 2022 by Janet Zinn

Whenever I find myself feeling righteous for some reason life humbles me, reminding me that in so many ways we’re all in this together.  I had staved off Coronavirus since February 2020.  I felt proud of my record.  When Omicron came on the scene I started wearing masks indoors and out.  I felt mostly protected from the virus and the cold.  All was well.  That ended a couple of weeks ago when I contracted the virus and was put out for days.  

Thwarted Plans, Week Two In The New Abnormal

Thwarted Plans, Week Two In The New Abnormal
Jan 08, 2022 by Janet Zinn

I keep deluding myself into thinking I know the best formula for getting through these difficult times.  I meditate twice daily.  I make sure I don’t make plans more than once a week, except in special circumstances.  I go for daily walks.  I work.  I try to make dinner a few times a week.  I like doing all these things.  While I’m doing teach of them, I feel perfectly fine.  But in other moments I am short-tempered.  I am impatient.  I long for more support.  

We Are Not Okay, Week 33 in the Time of Transition

We Are Not Okay, Week 33 in the Time of Transition
Dec 11, 2021 by Janet Zinn

I’m finding this holiday season to be quite odd.  On the one hand, many of us are able to travel, visit with friends and family, and celebrate the holidays in person rather than on Zoom.  On the other hand, our nervous systems have been taxed beyond what we thought possible as we forge ahead.  

Hello Sunrise, Week 25 in the Time of Transition

Hello Sunrise, Week 25 in the Time of Transition
Oct 17, 2021 by Janet Zinn

When I was a young child and my bedtime was 7:30, the advent of a darker evening meant that I was awake longer while the night sky became opaque.  It felt as if I was staying up later, even though I understood in theory I was going to bed at the same time.  Since the pandemic my bedtime has gotten earlier.  I go out less, plus I got older these past 19 months.  I have yet to go to bed at 7:30, but it feels easy to get into bed when it’s been dark for a few hours.  

A Rare Moment of Calm, Week 24 in the Time of Transition

A Rare Moment of Calm, Week 24 in the Time of Transition
Oct 10, 2021 by Janet Zinn

I hit the ground running.  There was so much to get done and I’m still behind.  I did the best I could, which means I had to readjust from vacation mode to New York City-paced backlog catch-up.  Within a few days the vacation glow is flickering.  


Getting Away, Week 23 in the Time of Transition

Getting Away, Week 23 in the Time of Transition
Oct 03, 2021 by Janet Zinn

Sometimes we just need to get away.  It helps to clear our heads and take a break from day-to-day stress.  That’s exactly what we did this weekend. It’s been a long time coming.  I booked this trip before the pandemic shut down our world.  I rebooked three times in the hope that quarantines were a temporary inconvenience.  In the end we had to wait until the Canadian borders opened up for the fully vaccinated.