It's Hot! Week Thirty in the New Abnormal

Heat waves are oppressive. I’m walking slowly, drinking more water, and commiserating with everyone else who is melting in this humid weather. I have always preferred hot temperatures to cold, but sometimes it’s just too hot. As a child I’d ride my Schwinn to the Haddontowne Swim Club and cool down swimming and playing in the chlorinated water. Today, I can ride my bike, but I’m going to opt for the indoor version in my air-conditioned apartment, going nowhere, and enjoying the solitude.

In heat like we’ve seen I think less is better. Less activity, lighter meals, simple plans. I have a lot of writing ahead of me this weekend. It makes it easier knowing that I would probably be uncomfortable outside. So, I’ll hunker down, laptop securely placed on my lap, and a cushion to lean upon. Simple, though perhaps not easy. Nonetheless, happy for the space and time to get it done in the cool air. At least for now.

Self-Care Tips:
- Hydrate. Cool yourself off with water or a cold beverage. I suggest freezing a bottle of water (give it enough space on top) and then let it melt as you sip it through the day. The iced bottle can also cool you off on the back of your neck, your wrists or anywhere that needs it.
- Play some Motown Summer music. Suggestions are: All Night Long, Lionel Richie; I Need Your Lovin’ Teena Marie; Inner City Blues, Marvin Gaye; Heatwave, Martha Reeves and the Vandellas
- Learn a new word. It’s a simple task that can be enjoying. Of course, it’s educational. My new word today is: Emolument. I had never heard it before. It means a gift, whether cash, an item or a privilege, one receives because of one’s work title.