

In the Time of Coronavirus

Foggy, Week 57 in the Time of Coronavirus

Apr 11, 2021 by Janet Zinn
It’s foggy this morning.  How apropos for these times.  Our minds are foggy. Well, mine is.  By the end of any given day I have limited access to names and words.   If I want to relax in the evening, I’m challenged to remember one of a number of shows I enjoy watching.

Oh, The Memories, Week 52 in the Time of Coronavirus

Oh, The Memories, Week 52 in the Time of Coronavirus
Mar 07, 2021 by Janet Zinn
This is the last week of a full year of social distancing and all that comes with it. Most of us are ready to finish this disruptive chapter and return to the activities we love. Yet, I imagine there will come of a time in the future when we will wax nostalgic for this time.

Insult to Injury, 2020 Taxes, Week 51 in the Time of Coronavirus

Feb 28, 2021 by Janet Zinn
I like scrambled eggs. They are soft and comforting. However, when my mind is scrambled I find no comfort in that. These past two weekends I’ve endeavored to do my taxes. Doing taxes in the time of Coronavirus is less than optimal. That said, I am going to take a nap. An afternoon siesta is not a usual practice, especially when slogging through last year’s numbers. In the past I’ve faced the forms down and I get through it, complaining while I add up sums and input data. Today is different. I don’t have the wherewithal. I’m having difficulty focusing. Taxes in a pandemic is another ridiculously compulsorily task we’re forced to endure.