Ahhh, Naps, The Forty-Eighth Week in the Second Year of the New Abnormal

Napping was my top priority this past week. They were usually twenty to thirty minutes max. They made a tremendous difference in my mood. I was able to get through the week with a greater capacity for patience. I had more room for the things that usually get under my skin, like loud car horns in grid lock, or the annoying overspill from packages protected with shredded paper or other messy stuffing.

There’s nothing like a good nap. It can be rejuvenating, especially when it’s been a long day and I’ve been short on sleep. This past week rest was in order. Life is full, which is wonderful, however, I need to pace myself. Previously the learning curve has been slow going when it comes to pacing. So, to get into a supportive pace I took naps where and when I could fit them in.

I know I need the sleep when it’s so easy to fall asleep and I feel refreshed upon waking. For years I’ve prioritized movement over rest. Now I’m working on finding a balance so that I am energized when in motion and I am naturally tired at the end of the day, allowing for a restful night. Stress can interfere with sleep. And there’s been no lack of stress for so many of us these last months and even years.

I may not be able to control the amount of stressful circumstances that come my way, but the napping helps me to handle it better than when I’m sleep-deprived. As a moody person, I will continue to minimize the low moods by getting the naps I need.

Self-Care Tips:
- Close your eyes. If it’s an easy moment, open them again and see if you can look at the surrounding space differently. Maybe you can notice something you didn’t see before.
- Close your eyes. If you automatically feel sleepy, think if you cannot do something so that you can take a short nap.
- Close Your eyes. Imagine a world in which kindness, respect and peace are everyday norms. Then as best you can, embody those values throughout your day.