

Anger Management

Angry Moments, Week Thirty in the New Abnormal

Angry Moments, Week Thirty in the New Abnormal
Jul 20, 2024 by Janet Zinn

It’s a beautiful morning today.  There is a light breeze, the sun is out but not scorching, and the sky is clear.  The temperature dropped so it feels simply delightful.  I left my apartment before 7:30 am so that I could get in a destination walk to and from Trader Joe’s to pick up a few groceries for the week.  My plan was to be in and out before the Saturday rush.  I was walking on the east side of the street, which is less sunny, thus cooler, in the mornings.  When I approached 68th Street I was in back of someone else with a cart who had a similar plan at Trader Joe’s.  She kept trying to get around a woman with her dog whose leash straddled the entire sidewalk.  When I got close enough I said, “Excuse me, we want to pass you and your dog.”  She didn’t move.  I was less polite in my next attempt.  “You’re taking up the whole sidewalk, can you move so we can pass?” “Fuck you” she said as she barely made room for us.  As I made my way around her dog, I said “You don’t have to take the entire sidewalk.”  My tone sounded as annoyed as I felt.  Even though I had been happy to be out and about on a glorious day, I quickly turned into a grouch.  Again, she repeated, “Fuck You!” This time louder so there would be no mistaking her ire.  I didn’t look back, and I’m not proud to say that I then gave her the finger with my back to her.  Only in retrospect could I think clearly and realize she’s not having a good morning.  Did I need to add to that?  


The Half-Way Mark, Week Twenty-Six in the No Longer New Abnormal

The Half-Way Mark, Week Twenty-Six in the No Longer New Abnormal
Jun 22, 2024 by Janet Zinn

We are officially halfway through 2024.  It’s a great time to reevaluate then manage any expectations we’ve had for this year.  This is the year I’ve had my first, and perhaps my last, book published.  It feels good to have accomplished that.  I am now in the weeds attempting to promote the book while working full-time.  Promotions do not come naturally for me so it feels like I’m rolling a big bolder uphill uncertain if like Icarus is will roll down again.   But I’m challenging myself to do what I can and then challenging myself yet again let go of the results.  When I measure my self-worth by the results I produce I may experience a fleeting high, but in the end I try my best to be proud of going beyond my limits no matter how things turn out.  

Publishing Week, Week Twenty-Three in the No Longer New Abnormal

Publishing Week, Week Twenty-Three in the No Longer New Abnormal
Jun 01, 2024 by Janet Zinn

This Tuesday I become a published author with In the Time of Coronavirus, Reflecting on the Past to Embrace a Joyful Future.  To that end I am doing everything I know to do to promote this book, working to get it into stores, sites and libraries and into readers’ hands.  It is a daunting task.  I am overwhelmed, yet very excited.  

Letting Go, Week Eighteen in the No Longer New Abnormal

Letting Go, Week Eighteen in the No Longer New Abnormal
Apr 27, 2024 by Janet Zinn

When I was younger and I upset someone, I would replay the incident over and over again. I found it intolerable that someone would be upset or angry with me. It felt devastating. I would apologize again and again, becoming a nuisance. Sometimes people would be more upset with my groveling than they were with the original upset. I couldn’t get it out of my mind. It felt like anything I did that hurt others was unforgivable. There was no fun to be had.

I Don't Wanna! Week Fifteen of the No Longer New Abnormal

I Don't Wanna! Week Fifteen of the No Longer New Abnormal
Apr 07, 2024 by Janet Zinn

“Almost everything will work if you unplug it for a few minutes….including you.”  -Anne Lamott-”  

There are some days that I just don’t want to do anything.  And if I have to do something it can feel particularly labored.  I woke up this morning with a strong case of I don’t wanna.  I was still tired, though I received eight hours of sleep.  I was achy even though I’m stretching more given the needs of being in my mid-60s.  I was able to get away last weekend, though it now feels like it was weeks ago.

Chasing Cherry Blossoms, Week Fourteen in the No Longer New Abnormal

Chasing Cherry Blossoms, Week Fourteen in the No Longer New Abnormal
Mar 31, 2024 by Janet Zinn

I made a trip to DC this weekend. I was going to visit family, see a musical, get to the National Portrait Gallery and enjoy the cherry blossoms. I was able to enjoy time with my family and see a most wonderful show at Arena Stage Theater. Bu it turns out the Cherry Blossoms were premature this year due to the warmer winter months. I thought I was early enough but that was not the case. I saw trees with waning petals, the best in Takoma Park, MD. But the city failed to provide me with the simple joy of full flowered trees wherever I went.

Quiet Please, Week Thirteen in the No Longer New Abnormal

Quiet Please, Week Thirteen in the No Longer New Abnormal
Mar 24, 2024 by Janet Zinn

It was a quiet day. Not the reading a book while sipping tea on a rainy-day type of quiet. It was quiet because I wasn’t plugged into a device. The TV was not on. The quiet came from not connecting my phone to my earbuds to listen to a book, a podcast or music. It’s even quiet now as I’m writing this. Lucy, who is asleep next to me isn’t even snoring. She must be enjoying the quiet, too.

Take Care, Week Twelve in the No Longer New Abnormal

Take Care,  Week Twelve in the No Longer New Abnormal
Mar 17, 2024 by Janet Zinn

This past week I heard of the death of two people from my past. I heard from three people presently who are ill, and we are all hearing about too many in our world who are in pain, who are suffering, or who have experienced significant losses. Life is precious.

A Trip to the Garden, Week Eight in the No Longer New Abnormal

A Trip to the Garden, Week Eight in the No Longer New Abnormal
Feb 18, 2024 by Janet Zinn

There’s nothing like a flower show in the middle of a cold winter to warm our souls.  That was my thinking as I embarked on the member preview of the Orchid Show at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx.  My plan was to get there early so I could get in and out and home for work.  I walked in the chilly weather to the subway where I got on the number 5 subway to Bedford Avenue.  However, it was the number 4 train that I needed, so I had to reroute, getting off at the Grand Concourse and then settling in for a 45-minute ride to the Garden via the Bx 19 bus.  This was an hour detour in total, getting me to the Garden with the throngs of people who also wanted to enjoy the tropical flowers.  


Procrastinate, Week Four in the No Longer New Abnormal

Procrastinate, Week Four in the No Longer New Abnormal
Jan 21, 2024 by Janet Zinn


“Procrastinate now, don't put it off.”
― Ellen DeGeneres


I spent yesterday  procrastinating.  I cooked, I baked, I looked things up online.  What I didn’t do was tally my expenses for budgeting and taxes.  I am not fond of bookkeeping.  Nonetheless, I was able to sit down and focus after I did everything I could to avoid the inevitable.  It wasn’t as bad as I anticipated.  Nor was it as fun as taking the day off.  

I Like Quotes, Week One of The No-Longer-New-Abnormal

I Like Quotes, Week One of The No-Longer-New-Abnormal
Jan 07, 2024 by Janet Zinn

“Just do what works for you, because there will always be someone who thinks differently.”  Michelle Obama


I love quotes.  When I first started my psychotherapy private practice in the mid-90s before there were iPhones and Facebook, I had an answering machine, and the recording included quotes on there.  I changed them monthly or so, and it felt nice.  But I was a new therapist and I wanted to do things right.  It felt right to me.  Nonetheless, I was told by a senior therapist, one who I respected, that I might want to rethink having something so personal on my outgoing message.  The common practice was to be as neutral as possible. Her thinking was that a chosen quote could possibly be sharing unnecessary private information about me or, it might be misconceived.  

Encouraging Compassion, The Fifty-Second Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal

Encouraging Compassion, The Fifty-Second Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal
Dec 31, 2023 by Janet Zinn
We are at the end of 2023 and yet life goes on with all its difficulties, complications, wonders, and joy.  As we change the calendar year perhaps there is a better way to move forward.  We traditionally make resolutions.  Maybe we call them something else, but so many of us want to better our lives and a new year can feel like a blank slate.  

Finding Peace, The Fifty-First Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal

Finding Peace, The Fifty-First Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal
Dec 24, 2023 by Janet Zinn

This week I’m sharing some past sunsets.  Seeing sunrises and sunsets makes me smile.  Sunsets remind me that nothing is permanent.  And sunrises are an apt metaphor that we always have a chance at a new beginning.  Both sentiments give me some peace.  And we could all use peace.

Ahhh, Naps, The Forty-Eighth Week in the Second Year of the New Abnormal

Ahhh, Naps, The Forty-Eighth Week in the Second Year of the New Abnormal
Dec 03, 2023 by Janet Zinn

Napping was my top priority this past week.  They were usually twenty to thirty minutes max.  They made a tremendous difference in my mood.  I was able to get through the week with a greater capacity for patience.  I had more room for the things that usually get under my skin, like loud car horns in grid lock, or the annoying overspill from packages protected with shredded paper or other messy stuffing. 

Spilled Coffee, The Forty-Seventh Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal

Spilled Coffee, The Forty-Seventh Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal
Nov 25, 2023 by Janet Zinn

I spilled my coffee earlier this week.  And I then let out a loud string of expletives to vocalize my frustration.  I cleaned up the mess and then rushed to work.  Not the way I had wanted to start my day.  My reaction, though provoked,  made it clear that I need some down time.  It may not be the vacation that I’ve fantasized, but even an evening in, or a task free afternoon will do at this point.  

Nature Speaks, The Forty-Sixth Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal

Nature Speaks, The Forty-Sixth Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal
Nov 18, 2023 by Janet Zinn

Autumn colors fire up Central Park.  I had the good fortune of walking through the park on several occasions this past week.  I was reminded that this season represents the last of the foliage as the trees and plants prepare for the winter.  Following winter comes a renewal as Spring brings greenery and flowers to enjoy.  Just seeing the colorful trees brought hope. 

Daylight Savings Time, The Forty-Fourth Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal

Daylight Savings Time, The Forty-Fourth Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal
Nov 05, 2023 by Janet Zinn

I voted early yesterday.  I like my councilwoman and I wanted to keep her in office.  What I don’t get to vote for is the abolishment of daylight savings time.  We turned the clocks back last night, and ostensibly we got an extra hour of sleep.  Then in April we “spring” ahead losing that hour.  I say, no thank you.  

Happy Halloween, The Forty-Third Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal

Happy Halloween, The Forty-Third Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal
Oct 28, 2023 by Janet Zinn

Some weeks are harder than others.  Having heard from a number of people this past week was just such a week.  I can certainly include myself in that mix.  For that reason, I am going to don a virtual mask, making this a quick post, while wishing you all a Happy Halloween.  Here are some city pics of the season. 


Self-Care Tips:


  • Give yourself a break.  If things are hard, find ways to let go of the normal routines to provide the energy needed for whatever is essential.
  • Dark humor that does not hurt anyone can even help in hard times.  
  • If you celebrate, enjoy Halloween.  If you don’t celebrate, lean into JOMO, the joy of missing out.  

Happy Halloween, The Forty-Third Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal

Happy Halloween, The Forty-Third Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal
Oct 28, 2023 by Janet Zinn

Some weeks are harder than others.  Having heard from a number of people this past week was just such a week.  I can certainly include myself in that mix.  For that reason, I am going to don a virtual mask, making this a quick post, while wishing you all a Happy Halloween.  Here are some city pics of the season. 


Self-Care Tips:


  • Give yourself a break.  If things are hard, find ways to let go of the normal routines to provide the energy needed for whatever is essential.
  • Dark humor that does not hurt anyone can even help in hard times.  
  • If you celebrate, enjoy Halloween.  If you don’t celebrate, lean into JOMO, the joy of missing out.  

Those Who Inspire Us, The Forty-Second Week in the Second Year of the New Abnormal

Those Who Inspire Us, The Forty-Second Week in the Second Year of the New Abnormal
Oct 22, 2023 by Janet Zinn

’ve been watching Dear… on Apple TV.  I found it by accident.  While looking for another program a small square with Selena Gomez’s image caught my eye.  I clicked on her framed face and came upon Dear…  I watched the 30-minute segment and was immediately hooked. The series features individuals in the public eye, some athletes, actors, writers, or activists, as they engage with letters of those who have been inspired by them The featured famous person’s  influence has helped to change the letter writers’ lives.