Take Care, Week Twelve in the No Longer New Abnormal

This past week I heard of the death of two people from my past. I heard from three people presently who are ill, and we are all hearing about too many in our world who are in pain, who are suffering, or who have experienced significant losses. Life is precious.

I had a very full week. I laughed, I cried, I stayed in to rest and reflect, I went out to celebrate. I enjoyed wonderful music, good art, delicious food, and good friends, all while missing others who I didn’t get to see, and the few I’ll never see again. There is no right way to live in the presence of sorrow, whether personal or global. We all must find our own way. Yet, we can bring care and respect while navigating our challenges.

I choose to live fully. I tend to rest only after I have nothing left. Others do better to dig into less energetic pursuits. Let’s remember that we are all doing our best. When I can, I try to take into account that there is no ill intent on the part of others. They, too, are weighed down by life’s difficulties. When possible, I try to have grace for others. Though when I don’t then I try to have some grace for myself. My hope is that we will do our best to bring care to each moment and to all we encounter. When life is tough, when the world is hard, care can be a revolutionary act.

Self-Care Tips:
- Give yourself grace when you’re not your best. It’s not a pass to behave poorly, but a way of proving kindness to yourself as you learn and grow.
- If something doesn’t turn out the way you want, see if you can find a takeaway. Did you learn something? Was there an unexpected gift in it? If so, take that in. It may not make up for what happened, but you can still gain something from something that didn’t go as planned.
- Put on some music and sing along with your favorite music. Get the lyrics online to make it easier. It’s a stress buster to do a sing-along.