The Half-Way Mark, Week Twenty-Six in the No Longer New Abnormal

We are officially halfway through 2024. It’s a great time to reevaluate then manage any expectations we’ve had for this year. This is the year I’ve had my first, and perhaps my last, book published. It feels good to have accomplished that. I am now in the weeds attempting to promote the book while working full-time. Promotions do not come naturally for me so it feels like I’m rolling a big bolder uphill uncertain if like Icarus is will roll down again. But I’m challenging myself to do what I can and then challenging myself yet again let go of the results. When I measure my self-worth by the results I produce I may experience a fleeting high, but in the end I try my best to be proud of going beyond my limits no matter how things turn out.

These days doing TikTok and Instagram videos with self-care tips is way beyond my comfort zone. Every day I tell myself that I can quit and enjoy some quiet time. I think I’ll keep going for now taking my quiet time in August like most traditional psychotherapists. I started the year with other goals as well. One was to give away more stuff than I brought in. I have been giving stuff away, but I am not great at letting go of things I like. I was also going to stretch more and do more yoga. I keep my yoga mat out in my home office. Many days it’s aspirational. But the mornings I include it in my routine I feel good. Not so much for checking it off my list, but for giving myself a little something extra to get through my day. I will take the wins where I can.

I hope this half-way mark of this year allows you to reflect on your accomplishments and take it easy on yourself for the ongoing hopes and aspirations you may have. There’s a time to push ourselves, and a time to be gentle. My experience has been when I’m pushing too hard it’s time for some gentle kindness. But really, when is it ever not a time for kindness for ourselves? No time I can think of.

Self-Care Tips:
- Reassess what is possible and probable this year and find a way to accept this new information.
- Look for free opportunities in your area. In NYC we have galleries, traveling Shakespeare, concerts and so much more. You may enjoy a local sports event, a history walk or whatever is offered locally.
- Clean out your medicine cabinet. There’s bound to be expired products and cosmetics, soaps or other items you no longer use.