BRRR, The Fifth Week in the Second Year of the New Abnormal
Wow! I just went out to walk Lucy. It sure is cold out there. A good portion of the country is very cold. New York City is no exception this weekend. Just taking Lucy out for a short walk means bundling up for a solid five minutes to make sure the least amount of skin is exposed to the frigid air.
Although I had insulated gloves with added glove liners, my fingers would not get warm. Add to that the couple of times I had to take those sub-par gloves off to pay the brave vendors at the farmer’s market, or to give Lucy a treat. Not my favorite moments this windy day.

The thing about the cold is that it really highlights our priorities. As much as I prefer not going out at all, happy to move to music inside, I do want to support the farms who service us year-round. And Lucy, whom I adore, is not likely to be able to endure a day inside. This is her weather as a Tibetan Terrier. She doesn’t want a doggie jacket, she just wants to feel the wind on her face and the cold air on her hairy body. She has hair rather than fur.

I curse under my breath when she gives me her usual signs that it’s time to go out. Though she waits for me patiently as I don layer after layer until I’m ready to face the elements. Thankfully I have a bevvy of face masks that I wear happily knowing that my nose and lower face are covered from the elements. Grateful for my protection from the cold.

It’s unbelievable I was strolling on the beach a week ago. Now, miles to the north that recent memory feels like a long time ago. Weather is a constant reminder of the transient nature of life here on earth.

Self-Care Tips:
- Find the coziest clothes to wear. The cold can feel so uncomfortable. When the fabric’s surface gently soothes our skin, it can add an extra benefit aside from simply keeping us warm.
- Dance inside. Even if it’s for one song. Enjoy the freeing experience while keeping you actively warm.
- If you have to go out, walk in the sun. It’s a good reminder that even when we deem the weather to be bad, there are no absolutes. It can be beautifully sunny and still gratingly cold.