Going Away, Week Thirty-Two in the No Longer New Abnormal

This weekend I walked in the steaming heat enjoying Summer Streets while traversing Park Avenue without cars. I will miss the next two Saturdays, so it was a pleasant reprieve to have more than enough room while walking among pedestrians, runners, and cyclists. I am going away. Initially I packed for a hot summer, but according to the lower temperatures in Dublin I was ill prepared. Following my lovely and tiring walk, I unpacked and repacked for a ten-day trip to Ireland. Instead of tank tops and sandals I’m bringing sweaters and socks.
Happy Halloween, The Forty-Third Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal

Some weeks are harder than others. Having heard from a number of people this past week was just such a week. I can certainly include myself in that mix. For that reason, I am going to don a virtual mask, making this a quick post, while wishing you all a Happy Halloween. Here are some city pics of the season.
Self-Care Tips:
- Give yourself a break. If things are hard, find ways to let go of the normal routines to provide the energy needed for whatever is essential.
- Dark humor that does not hurt anyone can even help in hard times.
- If you celebrate, enjoy Halloween. If you don’t celebrate, lean into JOMO, the joy of missing out.
Happy Halloween, The Forty-Third Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal

Some weeks are harder than others. Having heard from a number of people this past week was just such a week. I can certainly include myself in that mix. For that reason, I am going to don a virtual mask, making this a quick post, while wishing you all a Happy Halloween. Here are some city pics of the season.
Self-Care Tips:
- Give yourself a break. If things are hard, find ways to let go of the normal routines to provide the energy needed for whatever is essential.
- Dark humor that does not hurt anyone can even help in hard times.
- If you celebrate, enjoy Halloween. If you don’t celebrate, lean into JOMO, the joy of missing out.
I Am a Jewish Psychotherapist, The Forty-First Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal

Do I speak of the unspeakable? This past week marks a tragic low in inhumane acts. I cannot get my head around it. As a Jewish psychotherapist I am in a similar position as I was when we faced the pandemic. I am going through something that I am also hearing from my clients. The sadness, along with so many other emotions, have been omnipresent this past week.
Make it Quick, Week Forty-One in the New Abnormal

Another Year Older, Week Thirty-Five in the New Abnormal

Today I turn 63. In my 20s and 30s I wanted a lot of celebrating. By 40, after I started my present career as a psychotherapist, low key became my preferred option. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted recognition. Sometimes, I say with some embarrassment, I demanded recognition. But smaller became better for me. Today I took myself to the Bronx to walk among the August flowers at the New York Botanical Gardens.
20th Anniversary, Week 20 in the Time of Transition

I’m teary this weekend. It’s hard to watch the news because my mind pivots to the many clients who spoke of their losses the days, months, and years post-9/11. As we commemorate the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, those of us who remember can clearly recall the exact circumstances when we witnessed or heard of the attacks. I am one of the fortunate who worked downtown, but I had taken the day off to attend a seminar. I never worked in the World Trade Center, but our social service center had a direct view. There were so many other stories like that of those who for unforetold circumstances were not in the towers when they fell.
Grief Shaming

Paris Burning

The one thing that did come from the Paris terrorist attacks is that we are not thinking of terrorism as something that takes place in far-off places. So many of us have a connection to and have been to Paris. We can no longer be limited to the belief that terrorism is only in Israel, or Iraq, or other Middle Eastern or foreign lands.
Throughout my life I heard and repeated, “Peace on...