Soup's On, Week Fifty-One in the No Longer New Abnormal

It’s soup season. A pot of lentil soup is simmering on the stove. I plan to enjoy any number of soups throughout winter. This batch of lentil soup is flavored with Moroccan spices. When I’m not able to get away it’s fun to tour the planet from my kitchen. I’ll create an Italian tomato basil soup next week, and then a Thai chicken soup after that. As a child soup was limited to Campbell’s, and later Progresso. I liked them well enough, but the first time I had real Greek chicken and lemon soup, I knew the canned options were relegated to my past.

Soup is also a wonderful metaphor for the fullness of our lives. How much spice do we enjoy? What is the base of your life’s soup? I like variety so I tend to have a few pots on the stove. I enjoy bold flavors, but once in a while I prefer a simple broth. On those occasions, staying home or getting away to a quieter environment makes all the difference. This week the soup was full of holiday cheer. Norm Lewis is performing a holiday concert, which he deems a party, at 54 Below. He knows how to bring true joy to every stage where he performs. And the New York Pops just had their holiday concert at Carnegie Hall with Jessica Vosk, an amazing performer I only discovered this week. I will be catching up on her unparalleled talent by listening to her albums while cooking my soups.

This holiday season can easily bring many feelings some delightful, like when enjoying a concert of top talent. Or it can feel lonely, like when you are missing those we’ve lost to illness or circumstances beyond your control. Think about what you need. What do you put in your soup? If you’re up for it, there may be volunteer opportunities that can be deeply gratifying. Or gift yourself something from your closet. Find a sweater you forgot you had. Or, open up a jar of spice you rarely use for your own special soup. Be thoughtful about what you need these next couple of weeks. Comfort and joy can take many forms. In the same way that soup is an ever-changing course.
Self-Care Tips:
- Make soup. Or enjoy soups that others make. Warm yourself in this cold weather.
- In really cold weather, putting on a pair of latex medical gloves as liners below your gloves will keep your fingers extra toasty.
- Discover Jessica Vosk for yourself. If you already knew of her, then revisit her dynamic talent. Enjoy her holiday album. Here’s a video to enjoy a taste: