Letting Go in 2025, Week Fifty-Five in the No Longer New Abnormal

I don’t know what 2025 has in store for us, but I do know that I am doing my best to let things go so I have the mental space to enjoy what good comes our way, and to endure what hardships might present themselves. I think of letting go as a lifestyle edit. However, I don’t have a great track record of editing my own stuff. I give things away and quickly fill the void. I attempt to open up time in my schedule only to return to my busy norm. I believe in second and seventeenth chances, so I am cleaning out my drawers and closets, as best I can. I am limiting my activity to events that bring me pure joy. Letting go is more a state of being than the action it takes to unload.

In the service of letting go, I will be shifting when and how I post on this blog. It may not be weekly, unless I’m so inclined. I am going to try to create a bit of freedom from writing so that I can relax more. It will be interesting to see what that’s like. I’ve learned so much from these past years writing this blog. The comments you sent lifted me up or had me look at blind spots. I saw glorious New York City differently as I tried to share passing sights along the way.

I am beyond grateful for those of you who have been readers. It is my hope that writing this blog contributed in some way to whatever you’ve been going through. I wish each of you moments of joy and grace throughout 2025 as you navigate a reality we dared not imagine.

Self-Care Tips:
- Make a list of self-care tips from past blog posts or from other sources. Make sure they’re tips you can easily do and that you find helpful. The list is a great resource when you’re stressed or feeling down and can’t think of what may be useful.
- Go through your sock drawer to rid yourself of socks with holes. But if you prefer, darn them. It’s a little thing you can do to start the new year without past defects that are easily remedied.
- Enjoy the last vestiges of the holiday season by reliving the splendid Darlene Love when she performed her holiday classic on the last David Letterman Holiday Special. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsU08y9peZg