Holiday Weekend in Los Angeles


How could it be that the weather in New York City is better than the weather here in Los Angeles?  This is my second trip in the last few years and it’s also the second time when it’s too chilly to enjoy the “always” good weather of L.A.  As the day goes on the sun warms the streets, not to a perfectly mid-70s day, but at least the temperature rises to the high 60s.  

I booked a hotel with a pool, but I don’t know if the heated water will keep me warm in the early hours of the morning.  It would be great to swim as the sun rises.  I imagine I’ll wake up early since it’s three hours later in New York, and I have yet to adjust to West Coast time.  

As it turns out the pool is properly heated and my solo swim at 7 am was long and luxurious.  No one came to the pool, and I was able to have an underwater meditation in motion.  A great way to start my day.  

I will be attending a wedding, one that I’m very much looking forward to.  I already had a chance to catch up and laugh with friends, and tonight I can continue with that.  There’s something so special about meeting up with friends when it feels as if no time at all has gone by, even if our hair is greyer and our joints are creakier. 

I had to shorten this trip to get ready for my book launch on June 4th.  I’m glad I came, but there are endless list of things to get done to try to make this book a success.  Though, it’s already a success if I consider all that I’ve learned in the process.  Not always easy or fun, but lessons well learned, nevertheless.  I’m happy to enjoy this short break with friends, and I’ll be happy to be home to race against the clock in accomplishing all the lies ahead.  

Self-Care Tips:

  • Keep a book, hard cover or paperback by your bed for nighttime reading.  There’s nothing like holding a solid book in hand and allowing the written word to woo you to sleep.
  • Slow down.  We tend to make mistakes when we rush.  I know this from a multitude of personal experiences.  When we slow down our focus tends to sharpen, and we can accomplish the same amount because we don’t have to go back to fix our mistakes.  
  • Challenge your taste buds.  Try a new cuisine.  Or try something familiar with spices and herbs you don’t usually eat.  There are many ways to spice up our lives, this suggestion is meant to literally spice up your life.