Janet Zinn

Janet Zinn is a successful psychotherapist in private practice in New York City.  Janet was a mental health, first-responder post 9/11, and more recently, in the global Covid-19 pandemic. She is an expert in trauma and loss.  She has worked as a consultant for Fortune 100 companies, and has spoken locally and internationally on getting through traumatic events.  Janet incorporates mindfulness, creativity, humor and enduring compassion in her work.  She maintains a weekly blog in getting through difficult times and related topics.  

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Happy/Sad, Week Forty-Two in the No Longer New Abnormal

Happy/Sad, Week Forty-Two in the No Longer New Abnormal
Oct 13, 2024 by Janet Zinn

Have you ever done something that makes you so happy you can feel the sadness below the surface?  That is exactly what I’m experiencing now.  I went for a run.  The weather is beautiful in New York City.  Perfect for a run.  The sun was tucked under the clouds so that I could see a gleam, but I didn’t have to shade my eyes.  East End Avenue, right by the water, was free of traffic so that I could soften my steps with Asphalt rather than pounding the concrete pavement.  I was happy to get out after too long a break from running.  I didn’t overdo it.  I went as far as I could while respecting my limitations.  All was good.  Yet, while I felt gratitude and joy, I also felt heavy hearted.  There is much in the world that saddens me.  I see no easy fixes.  And, too many are struggling and even suffering due to dehumanizing beliefs, powerful weather forces, war, bullying, and judgement with righteousness.  Need I go on?  

Marilyn Maye, Week Forty-One in the No Longer New Abnormal

Marilyn Maye, Week Forty-One in the No Longer New Abnormal
Oct 06, 2024 by Janet Zinn

Marilyn Maye is a legend.   Perhaps you haven’t heard of her?  She is a 92-year-old cabaret singer who gives her audiences stylized singing and beautiful arrangements of standards.  I had been meaning to see her for years and it finally happened this past week. A dear friend and I came to see her at 54 Below, the storied cabaret underneath the Studio 54 Theater.  Marilyn’s first album came out in 1965.  She appeared on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson more than any other singer, 76 times.  I could go on, but you can easily look her up.  

Fourth Quarter, Week Forty in the No Longer New Abnormal

Fourth Quarter, Week Forty in the No Longer New Abnormal
Sep 29, 2024 by Janet Zinn

We are entering the last quarter of 2024.  I feel like I’m rushing to accomplish what I had intended this year.  Some things take longer than others.  I had hoped I would have been able to promote my book more, but I had so much to learn.  And some of the promotion is not for me.  Given it isn’t what I had imagined, it’s important that I am grateful for what I could do.  I am grateful for all those who supported me and the book.  And, I am grateful for the lessons I’ve learned thus far, like the fact that I prefer smaller discussions to larger presentations.  And that I don’t enjoy marketing, nor have I ever enjoyed it.  Sharing something freely and needing to sell something are very different.  

A Day Trip Downtown, Week Thirty-None in the No Longer New Abnormal

A Day Trip Downtown, Week Thirty-None in the No Longer New Abnormal
Sep 21, 2024 by Janet Zinn
I enjoyed one of the best New York City combinations this weekend, I made my way downtown to Gansevoort Street to see the traveling exhibit, The Great Elephant Migration, a large exhibit to support Asian Elephants in India in the Meatpacking District.  From there I stopped at the Whitney Museum to see a preview of a fabulous exhibit honoring Alvin Ailey.  Finally I stopped at Chelsea Markets for what I can only describe as a super delicious end to a wonderful day.  The halvah sundae at Seed & Mill is an amazing treat I discovered years ago and had yet to return before yesterday.  The entire experience was energizing and made me so happy.  

Good People, Week Thirty-Eught in the No Longer New Abnormal

Good People, Week Thirty-Eught in the No Longer New Abnormal
Sep 14, 2024 by Janet Zinn

During the pandemic I started listening to Glennon Doyle’s podcast.  I truly enjoy her honest and funny stories that entertain and invite us to challenge ourselves and grow.  I don’t have a direct quote, but she said at one point that when she started her podcast she spoke to each individual, understanding their importance, even when others were telling her she had to grow her audience.  I come back to that again and again as others in the publishing industry and related fields, give a hundred different ways to grow an audience.  These suggestions and tips require time, sometimes soft selling, and more often than not, money.  What is not mentioned is that bigger may be good for sales of my book, but it is not always better for me.  Helm