'Tis the Season, Week Forty-Nine in the No Longer New Abnormal
It’s easy to hunker down now that the cold weather is here. And there’s something to be said for hibernation mode. But this week I was out and about taking in the holiday spirit, which is alive and well in New York City. I love a good nap when the weather is chilly and the days are short. And, yet, visiting Rockefeller Center and the holiday window displays later in the evening, when they’re less crowded is a joyful experience that really does bring cheer. Sometimes we have to be intentional about seeking out positive experiences. Yes, sometimes they come to us. But mostly we need to create joy.
In this season, it’s easy to look for and enjoy delightful experiences. Maybe we listen to holiday songs. Certainly, Mariah Carey gets her due in early winter. Though one can’t deny her talent, I’m more inclined to listen to Samara Joy for a jazz-infused holiday listen. Others I enjoy are Norm Lewis, Liz Calloway and her sister, Ann Hampton Calloway, and Megan Hilty. Plus the Maccabeats and Klezmtics have wonderful Hannukah tunes. Of course, YouTube is perfect for contemporary or historical holiday fare. It’s nice to get a slice of joy just by watching Nat King Cole, or Peter, Paul and Mary.

Of course, music and lights aren’t the only pleasures of this season. The scents and flavors of the holidays bring their own pleasures. Whether you light a candle with hints of nutmeg, or you enjoy latkes with apple sauce, there is so much joy we can create these cold weather days.
Self-Care Tips:
- Enjoy something specific to this season that you enjoy whether it’s food, a drink like egg nog or coquito, a scent, a show like the Holiday Spectacular at Rockefeller Center with the Rockettes, or a drive to see the neighborhood lights, you can take in something that focuses on joy.
- Rediscover something you love in your home. We can take for granted what we already have. But look up and revel in artwork on your walls again. Or go to your closet and wear something that feels great. Find a frozen dish in your freezer that you forgot about but can enjoy this week. It’s so much fun to appreciate we already have.
- Whatever your age, care for your inner child. Be gentle if she/he/they need compassion. Raise the volume if you yearn to play.