Post-Vacation, Week Twenty-two in the New Abnormal

I don’t like the phrase at the end of a vacation, “Back to real life.” I think vacations are real life. It’s a break from the everyday, but enjoying that break is very real. Coming back to my work and apartment, and New York City after this vacation was a terrific reentry.

What I will take away from my vacation, and the Galapagos in particular, is that everything has an impact. That systems change and even if we think of the good in the short term, the long term might not be served by our actions. This is nothing new for me. I do understand if I savor a delicious meal but eat beyond my hunger, I’ll be uncomfortable later, even if I don’t want to end the delicious mouth experience. In the same way if I read the news, I’m informed, but if I keep digging for every opinion piece on any given subject, I can become over saturated and can start to feel anxious.
In the same way, if I push myself to be “productive” I end up having to redo some of what I’ve done because my good judgement wains. Slowing down actually helps in my productivity. I will do my best to remember that, too, from vacationing. And, if I don’t, I need look no further than an impulsive purchase or a task I must do again.

I like the idea of balancing rest with activity, another take-away from vacationing. I will continually identify and work on calibrating that balance with the demands of life between vacationing.

Self-Care Tips:
- When rushing to get everything you need done, slow down by taking a couple of breaths and then do the next thing focused on each step in the moment.
- When hungry, chew slowly, savor each bite, and listen to your body for signs up satiety. Stop when you feel full.
- Turn on music when busy or when you’re able to uplift everyday chores. It brings joy to the mundane.