Pandemic Envy, Week 47 in the Time of Coronavirus
Pandemic Envy, Week 47 in the Time of Coronavirus

We have become accustomed to the average pandemic envy like seeing those who prepare feasts as a way to get through this time of Coronavirus. Many of us have felt jealousy for acquaintances in larger homes. The more exhausted have longed for the energy cited in posts of new hobbies or accomplishments. Some parents envy those with no children, or those with safe help for their families. A number of people who feel alone have been envious of those who post happy couple or family portraits. Individuals who feel trapped with their families begrudge others who they imagine live blissfully alone. Now add to that the newer vaccine envy.

Without distractions I’m able to feel my emotions strongly. Sometimes this can be therapeutic. I can soothe myself if I’m agitated, or enjoy the moment when calm is present. However, there are other times when I look for diversions. It’s not easy to feel everything all the time, and even more so in this time of the Coronavirus. When I do look away at distracting social media posts, I find myself envious of how some others are getting through the pandemic.

How do they find time to workout so much? Their meals look amazing. Why aren’t they sharing how hard this is? How is it they are thriving in ways I can only imagine? These are some of thoughts I’ve had. I understand that what I see and read on social media and in print is merely one sliver of what another is experiencing. I wish I could appreciate all that I have and simply be happy for them. Alas, I am still working on that.

More recently, there have been many instances when individuals have shared that they got their vaccines, only to be met with others who are desperate to receive theirs. The rollout has been anything but equitable. Many are working at essential jobs and are not able to log in repeatedly to obtain a prized time slot. Others found their dates were cancelled. The ongoing uncertainty fuels vaccine envy. If you feel vaccine envy, you’re not alone. Hopefully all of us who want the vaccine can get them soon so we can move on from fear to well-being.

Self-Care Tips:
- Snuggle. If you have a pet and they are amenable, snuggle with them. If not, snuggle with a willing partner, or find a stuffed animal to snuggle. You’re never too old. Or, if you prefer, a cozy blanket, comforter or pillow can stand in as a snuggle item.
- When feeling envious, slow down and name some things for which you are grateful.
- If you feel vaccine envy, if you have the time, investigate what sites are opening up spots, then share it with others. In NYC there is: and
- Dress in layers for the cold weather. If you’re able, wear glove liners and thermal or silk underwear.
- Use hand and body cream. It’s great for the cold weather and rubbing yourself with the cream is a soothing act.