Janet Zinn

Janet Zinn is a successful psychotherapist in private practice in New York City.  Janet was a mental health, first-responder post 9/11, and more recently, in the global Covid-19 pandemic. She is an expert in trauma and loss.  She has worked as a consultant for Fortune 100 companies, and has spoken locally and internationally on getting through traumatic events.  Janet incorporates mindfulness, creativity, humor and enduring compassion in her work.  She maintains a weekly blog in getting through difficult times and related topics.  

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Publishing Week, Week Twenty-Three in the No Longer New Abnormal

Publishing Week, Week Twenty-Three in the No Longer New Abnormal
Jun 01, 2024 by Janet Zinn

This Tuesday I become a published author with In the Time of Coronavirus, Reflecting on the Past to Embrace a Joyful Future.  To that end I am doing everything I know to do to promote this book, working to get it into stores, sites and libraries and into readers’ hands.  It is a daunting task.  I am overwhelmed, yet very excited.  

Holiday Weekend in Los Angeles

Holiday Weekend in Los Angeles
May 26, 2024 by Janet Zinn
How could it be that the weather in New York City is better than the weather here in Los Angeles?  This is my second trip in the last few years and it’s also the second time when it’s too chilly to enjoy the “always” good weather of L.A.  As the day goes on the sun warms the streets, not to a perfectly mid-70s day, but at least the temperature rises to the high 60s.  

My First Reading, Week Twenty-One in the No Longer New Abnormal

My First Reading, Week Twenty-One in the No Longer New Abnormal
May 18, 2024 by Janet Zinn

I was nervous.  I had agreed to participate in a Zoom panel which included reading from my pre-published book, In the Time of Coronavirus. but it’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to a group.  As I was practicing, reading the blog post a few times, I noticed my voice sounded like it was stuck in my throat.  I did not think that was a good thing.  

It's Hard Being Hard on Myself, Week Twenty in the No Longer New Abnormal

It's Hard Being Hard on Myself, Week Twenty in the No Longer New Abnormal
May 11, 2024 by Janet Zinn
In thinking about what to write this week I wondered if I should write about Mother’s Day.  But I decided that rather than writing more on the day that brings up so much for so many, I’ll limit my input by briefly folding it into the self-care tips, Then there have been amazing pictures online of the rare Aurelia Borealis.  Though I didn’t witness it myself, those who captured the colorful wonder have posted images that defy words.  What I’ve settled on is to say that when I reread my book a couple of months ago, In the Time of Coronavirus, for the last look before submitting it for publication, I became very uset.  I thought, “Who do I think I am?’ and “what could I have been thinking?” and, “This is bad. I’m so embarrassed!”  I have a long history of berating myself.  At that moment I questioned my writing, and my hubris for thinking I could put a book out into the world.  

Happy May, Week Nineteen in the No Longer New Abnormal

Happy May, Week Nineteen in the No Longer New Abnormal
May 05, 2024 by Janet Zinn
I enjoyed a long walk in Riverside Park this weekend.  It’s been a few years, while in the darkest days of the pandemic, that I had visited the park by the Hudson River.  Spring is gracing New York City with colorful blooms.  On our sunnier days smiles are exchanged as strangers pass one another.