Thank You For Your Kindness, Week Four in the The New Abnormal

Small kindnesses have huge impacts. This week I hadn’t felt well, and the comments, texts, calls, messages, and extra care have been particularly meaningful. Larry, my husband, asked me if he could help take care of me, if I would let him. The truth is I usually don’t let him help me. I can be stubbornly independent, even at my own expense. So, I “let” him. Every query to see if there was anything he could do was welcomed. He made trips to the pharmacy to find the right over-the-counter remedies. He cooked or ordered dinner. We chatted casually. Something we don’t often have a chance to do.

In the past I’d get defensive as if he were accusing me of not being able to do something myself. And sometimes his accusations were spot on. Nonetheless I’d get defensive as if that truth wasn’t already fully clear.

Friends and family have been kind. Interdependence can soften us, as it has me this past week, leaving me more grateful and treasuring those I love even more. Gifts can come in odd shapes. Being vulnerable has allowed me to take in those gifts.

I am feeling better day by day. And I plan to remember this week so I can accept help when offered in the future. The kindness of others deepens us and makes us stronger in a positively vulnerable way.
Self-Care Tips
- Clean out apps. We always have apps that we thought were a good idea, but that we either never use, or they no longer serve us. It’s okay to delete those.
- Give yourself a news free day. See if it lightens your stress load.
- Ask for help. Even if you could go it alone, it may save time and forge a connection when done with or by another.