Change is Inevitable, Week Forty-Four in the No Longer New Abnormal

If change is the only constant in life, why do we have such a hard time with it? When two old friends died this past week I was grateful to have known them. Although my life will not change much since they were no longer regular presences in my current life, their kindness, compassion and humor have stayed with me since we met in the 80’s. However, their close family and friends now will feel the change in their lives profoundly, as do we all when death comes to those we love.
Daylight Savings Time, The Forty-Fourth Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal

I voted early yesterday. I like my councilwoman and I wanted to keep her in office. What I don’t get to vote for is the abolishment of daylight savings time. We turned the clocks back last night, and ostensibly we got an extra hour of sleep. Then in April we “spring” ahead losing that hour. I say, no thank you.
Marathon Weekend, Week Forty-Five in the New Abnormal

The streets are brimming with runners. It’s the first November weekend, which means daylight-savings-time along with the New York City Marathon. Friday, while walking through Central Park, I came across a rally. It was a celebration of all the countries represented in the marathon. There were flags and delegates from 140 nations.
A Good Morning, Week Thirty-Three in the New Abnormal

The Last Word on The Marathon
In fact, more than anything...