Walking in the Rain, Week Forty in the New Abnormal

Dear friends, acquaintances, and strangers in Florida, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and other hard-hit areas are cleaning up the devastation left in the hurricanes’ wake. The strength it takes to put ones’ life in order when ones’ home has been decimated is extraordinary. It takes a particular type of courage to face hardship not of ones’ making.

Having to put forth grit to come back to the lives we’ve had, not only takes stamina, but it takes a private inner force to move forward. These were my thoughts walking in the rain this weekend. I realized how fortunate I was to be able to walk in the rain. I may have been wet and tired, but not stopped by the power of a weather system.

So many of us have had to pull everything together to return to lives changed by trauma, familiar to what was, but not the same. Sometimes we’re fortunate enough to realize the strength we didn’t know we had. Other times feel beaten down by hardships. And then there are many times we’re worn down even as we find the inner resources to build anew.

I will probably be walking in the rain in the next few days. I am hopeful that I can sustain my gratitude for the luxury of a light storm rather than a hurricane. But I also know that hurricanes will hit us at some point, and I will find inspiration from my friends who have been through dark times before me.

Self-Care Tips:
- See where you can help. If you prefer specific one-to-one giving, gofundme.com has many personal requests. Unicefusa.org, is providing assistance. The Atlanta based natural disaster fund, care4others.org is hands on. Or give to your favorite relief cause.
- Cultivate a gratitude practice. This can be a daily gratitude journal, a meditation practice, or create something on your own. Gratitude softens our defenses. We can commune with our humanity.
- Sigh! There’s a great relief in sighing aloud. Do it again. Even more relief.