Simple Pleasures, Week 40 in the Time of Coronavirus

I was listening to early Joni Mitchell this early morning as the sun rose. Lucy and I were out for the first walk of the day. The weather is warm for December, and lovely in the tranquil dark. It was quiet with the occasional runner or dog passing us as they started their day.

It’s easy for me to recognize how special these moments are. As we make our way through this pandemic I find that these ten months have worn on me. At this point I really don’t want to do anything. Which is all the more reason I am appreciative of every small pleasure I encounter. This morning it was being next to Lucy as she sniffed and I watched the day begin. Now it’s sitting down to write this as I enjoy a rare moment alone. Yesterday it was sitting with Alex. We didn’t speak, we just enjoyed the company of one another. Earlier yesterday I was with Larry as sunset approached.

Although I am inclined to do less rather than more these days, I can go from thoroughly exhausted to deeply moved. My work day is filled with inspiring courage from those in my practice. Coming home from work I find an unexpected gift from a dear friend. Or I open up a holiday card happy to think of the care that it took in sending it. There are so many moments of grace. As I reflect on these last months I easily access the passionate emotions I’ve been navigating. My anger is fierce. My sadness pronounced. My foggy brain a constant. And, my appreciation of all the small pleasures, day in and day out, is pervasive. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. You have given me the perfect gift in this time of the coronavirus.

Self-care Tips
- Soup. It can be so soothing. I recommend Ina Garten’s lentil soup recipe. Or, if you don’t like to cook, try a chicken broth with a touch of lemon juice.
- Try a new chap stick. I found one in from Cococare that’s lovely. It helps our lips in the winter and it will feel soft under your mask.
- Thank someone today. It can be for something small like moving out of the way on the sidewalk. Or it can be a bigger thank you.
- Listen to the music that started you loving the singer, musician, piece, or group. It’s so nice to revisit the awakening you had when you first heard it.
- If you spend time with others, find a quiet moment to savor. If you live alone, see if you can connect with someone who makes you smile.