
Sep 08, 2013 by Janet Zinn, in Uncategorized

I am writing a blog post because I have a list of Shoulds, and posting on my blog is on the list.  It will be a short post, after all, I have a lot of shoulds.  I was supposed to get some paperwork done for my practice, but that's been on my list for weeks now.  This weekend is the hard deadline, so I'm certain that will get done before I hit the pillow tomorrow night.  Some shoulds stay on the list, and I know I should let them go, but I'm not ready to quite yet.  Just like I should get rid of clothes that linger in my closet years since I've worn them last.  But they each have a story.  So I give away enough to alleviate my sense of should, but not enough to create  a lot of new space in my closet.  I can easily become overwhelmed with all that has to get done.  The shoulds come after the "have-to"s.  Some things I have to do, also don't get done.  I don't make dinner as often as I used to.  I used to write thank you notes, but I know I've missed communicating my gratitude recently.  I don't drink enough water.  And, I need to have more patience, not only for what will eventually get done, but for what will never happen.  Should I go on?