Pleasurable Reading

Feb 21, 2016 by Janet Zinn, in Uncategorized
I haven’t been writing, I’ve been reading. It’s a solitary experience, so it doesn’t get much glory. Nonetheless, I had forgotten how much I love reading for pleasure. For a number of years I read for work, for classes, for workshops, or for information. I slowed down my pleasure reading. Yet, while away, I relished the simple gratification of reading books and articles just because it made me happy.
(before vacation/during vacation)

Our lives rarely lend themselves to the simply pleasurable. We may enjoy the odd quote or statement on Facebook or Twitter, but it’s rare that we allow ourselves the kindness of curling up with a book. But after this vacation I cant ignore the fulfilling aspect of reading for pleasure. Although my colleagues may scoff, I will be reading less professional journals and reading more fiction. It makes me happy.


My apartment might get dustier but my smile will come easier.   Another thing I started to do a couple of years ago is to stop reading if the book wasn’t satisfying. I used to feel compelled to read if I started a book. It was as if I made a solemn commitment to the book, and it was my obligation to finish it, no matter what. Not so now. Reading now has more to do with my relationship to myself than to an inanimate object.


This may translate into creating more quiet time so that I can read. Living fully between reading, and committing myself to the space to enjoy my books, that is my goal. It’s only been a week since I returned from vacation, and I’ve been able to read, as well as listen to good music. This weekend I can endure doing taxes knowing a book is waiting in the wings. It’s great to get back to the simple joys.

Life is short, yet good literature lasts a lifetime.


Some of my recent favorite books:



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