Matisse Makes Me Happy

One of the pleasures of living in New York is the amazing art available to view. I realized that being a member to various museums was an easy way to make short visits to old favorites and new exhibits. This week I went to a new show at MOMA. I’m not a huge fan of contemporary art. It is a good show as far as these go, and I was happy to be introduced to the art of Dianna Molzan. She has a fresh perspective on how we deliver art, and it made me smile. Because contemporary art is not my first love, I moved quickly through the 6th floor gallery.

When I finished, it was still early member hours and I revisited The Matisse Cut-outs. What a joy that was. Having thoroughly relished the show previously, I could make a beeline to the pieces that make me smile the most. It was a brief visit since I had to go to an appointment, but seeing his art close up has been a pleasure I’ve savored all week. There’s something about Matisse that makes me happy. His exuberant women, his love of movement, his expansive vision are all a part of it, but that doesn’t really explain his gift. Nor does it clarify why I enjoy his work so much. I stopped trying to understand. I know what I like and when art speaks to me, I simply enjoy the moment. I’m okay with the fact that Matisse was one of the most popular artists of his or any time. I can be one in a crowd. As long as I have a good view.