Maine, The Twenty-Sixth Week of the Second Year in the New Abnormal

Summers are not as warm in Maine as they are in New York City. The air is fresh with ocean mists and the sun has been shy peeking out from the fog on this visit. We came to Portland to visit friends, enjoy lobster in any number of ways, and walk the charming streets in this compact city.

The beauty of the coast is something else. Cliffs making way to crashing waves is beautiful from the high land. I imagine it was devastating for sailors of the past who found the shore inhospitable.

Larry’s and my love of traveling together began over 27 years ago on a road trip through Maine. We loved seeing the varying coastline, the New England inns that offered warmth and pure hospitality. Of course, lobsters featured throughout that trip. It is nice to be back. And, even better to be back to enjoy it with our friends. It was a gift to see how they built a home and a community in this wonderful place. And they shared their love for Portland with us. Their hearts are generous, and we are such fortunate recipients of their munificence.

Taking this short trip reminds me again of the goodness in people, and the pleasure in leaving home to open my mind and my heart.

Self-Care Tips:
- Send an old friend a hand-written note. It’s so nice to connect with someone who has made a difference in your life. If you can’t see them in person a note or letter feels good when sending it and they enjoy receiving it.
- Introduce new herbs and spices into your food, and/or into your garden. I just tried lovage for the first time and it had a unique yet familiar taste to it.
- We’re always told to go out of our comfort zones. Instead, give yourself some time to create a comfort zone for yourself that is cozy and safe. Know you can always go there when needed, no matter how many times you leave.